Approaches to Hungarian 14: Papers from the 2013 Piliscsaba Conference

Julia Bacskai-Atkari


The volume, edited by Katalin É. Kiss, Balázs Surányi and Éva Dékány, contains selected papers from the 11th International Conference on the Structure of Hungarian (ICSH11), held in Piliscsaba in 2013.The volume contains 11 papers altogether. In line with the general nature of the ICSH  conference, the papers cover a wide range of topics related to the structure of Hungarian, and the authors apply various frameworks, too. As seems to be generally true for the ATOH series (as well as ICSH), papers on syntax dominate the volume; nevertheless, several papers are concerned with issues related to the interfaces, and there are some purely phonological investigations as well. While the main subject language is of course Hungarian, it is a pleasure to see many of the papers applying a contrastive, cross-linguistic analysis, thereby establishing a very dynamic and lively discourse with the more general field.

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