We are pleased to announce the program for two joint workshops on the syntax of Uralic languages at the XII International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies in Oulu, Finland, 17-21 August 2015. Syntactic Structure of Uralic Languages
1st day - 18.08. Tuesday 10.10-10.15: Opening words 10.15-11.15: Katalin É. Kiss: Old Hungarian: halfway between Ugric and Modern Hungarian 11.15-11.45: Saara Huhmarniemi: Finnish subject position and topicality 11.45-12.15: Anna Volkova: Establishing anaphoric dependencies and the puzzle of split antecedents
12.15-13.30: Lunch break
13.30-14.00: András Bárány: Differental object marking and datives in Uralic and beyond 14.00-14.30: Svetlana Toldova: Differential Object Marking in Moksha language 14.30-15.00: Marta Ruda: Definite-Plural-Object Drop in Hungarian: Determining the Blocking Factor
15.00-15.30: Coffee break
15.30-16.00: Mark Norris: A Morphological Account of Agreement Exponence in Negated Estonian Clauses 16.00-16.30: Phil Crone: Finnish First Conjunct Agreement 16.30-17.00: Gabor Alberti & Judit Farkas, Veronika Szabó: Information-structurally (un)ambiguous deverbal nominals in Hungarian
2nd day, 19.08. Wendesday 10.15-10.45: Peter Svenonius: Comitative case in Northern Sámi and the difference between cases and adpositions 10.45-11.15: Éva Dékány: Quantificational case in Finno-Ugric
11.15-12.15:Poster session
12.15-13.30: Lunch break
13.30-14.00: Tommi Gröndahl: The DP-structure of the Finnish noun phrase 14.00-14.30: Saara Huhmarniemi & Gisbert Fanselow: Split noun phrases in Finno-Ugric languages 14.30-15.00: Merilin Miljan & Elsi Kaiser, Virve-Anneli Vihman: Interplay between case, animacy and number: Estonian speakers’ interpretations of grammatical role
15.00-15.30: Coffee break
15.30-16.30: Irina Nikolaeva: Complex focus structures in Tundra Nenets and beyond
16.30-16.40: Closing remarks The Syntax of Samoyedic and Ob-Ugric Languages
August 20
10.10-10.15: Opening 10.15-10.45: Zsofia Schoen. Do Khanty dialects use the same strategies to construct adverbial subordinate clauses? A corpus-based study on adverbial subordinate clauses in Kazym, Shuryshkary and Surgut Khanty 10.45-11.15: Márta Csepregi. Маркирование агента инфинитных конструкций в сургyтском диалекте хантыйского языка (Marking the agent on non-finite verb forms in Surgut Khanty) 11.15-11.45: Bernadett Bíró, Larisa Leisiö and Katalin Sipőcz. Object-verb agreement and object marking in Mansi (Vogul) and in North-Samoyedic languages
11.45-13.30: LUNCH
13.30-14.00: Melani Wratil. From differential object case marking to differential object indexation in Samoyedic 14.00-14.30: Nikolett Mus. The position of interrogative phrases in Ob-Ugric and Samoyedic languages SO/OS orders in transitive content interrogatives 14.30-15.00: Alexey Kozlov and Ivan Stenin. Morphosyntax and semantics of
15.00-15.30: COFFEE BREAK
15.30-16: Gerson Klumpp. Possessive marking in Kamas 16.00-16.30: Discussion |