Program: Program of two joint workshops on the syntax of Uralic languages

We are pleased to announce the program for two joint workshops on the syntax of Uralic languages at the XII International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies in Oulu, Finland, 17-21 August 2015.

Syntactic Structure of Uralic Languages


1st day - 18.08. Tuesday

 10.10-10.15: Opening words

 10.15-11.15: Katalin É. Kiss: Old Hungarian: halfway between Ugric and Modern Hungarian

 11.15-11.45: Saara Huhmarniemi: Finnish subject position and topicality

11.45-12.15: Anna Volkova: Establishing anaphoric dependencies and the puzzle of split antecedents


12.15-13.30: Lunch break


13.30-14.00: András Bárány: Differental object marking and datives in Uralic and beyond

14.00-14.30: Svetlana Toldova: Differential Object Marking in Moksha language

14.30-15.00: Marta Ruda: Definite-Plural-Object Drop in Hungarian: Determining the Blocking Factor


15.00-15.30: Coffee break


15.30-16.00: Mark Norris: A Morphological Account of Agreement Exponence in Negated Estonian Clauses

16.00-16.30: Phil Crone: Finnish First Conjunct Agreement

16.30-17.00: Gabor Alberti & Judit Farkas, Veronika Szabó: Information-structurally (un)ambiguous deverbal nominals in Hungarian


2nd day, 19.08. Wendesday

 10.15-10.45: Peter Svenonius: Comitative case in Northern Sámi and the difference between cases and adpositions

10.45-11.15: Éva Dékány: Quantificational case in Finno-Ugric


11.15-12.15:Poster session


12.15-13.30: Lunch break


13.30-14.00: Tommi Gröndahl: The DP-structure of the Finnish noun phrase

14.00-14.30: Saara Huhmarniemi & Gisbert Fanselow: Split noun phrases in Finno-Ugric languages

14.30-15.00: Merilin Miljan & Elsi Kaiser, Virve-Anneli Vihman: Interplay between case, animacy and number: Estonian speakers’ interpretations of grammatical role


15.00-15.30: Coffee break


15.30-16.30: Irina Nikolaeva: Complex focus structures in Tundra Nenets and beyond


16.30-16.40: Closing remarks 

The Syntax of Samoyedic and Ob-Ugric Languages


August 20


10.10-10.15: Opening

 10.15-10.45: Zsofia Schoen. Do Khanty dialects use the same strategies to construct adverbial subordinate clauses? A corpus-based study on adverbial subordinate clauses in Kazym, Shuryshkary and Surgut Khanty

10.45-11.15: Márta Csepregi. Маркирование агента инфинитных конструкций в сургyтском диалекте хантыйского языка (Marking the agent on non-finite verb forms in Surgut Khanty)

 11.15-11.45: Bernadett Bíró, Larisa Leisiö and Katalin Sipőcz. Object-verb agreement and object marking in Mansi (Vogul) and in North-Samoyedic languages


11.45-13.30: LUNCH


13.30-14.00: Melani Wratil. From differential object case marking to differential object indexation in Samoyedic

 14.00-14.30: Nikolett Mus. The position of interrogative phrases in Ob-Ugric and Samoyedic languages SO/OS orders in transitive content interrogatives

14.30-15.00: Alexey Kozlov and Ivan Stenin. Morphosyntax and semantics of
focus intraclitics in Tundra Nenets and beyond


15.00-15.30: COFFEE BREAK


15.30-16: Gerson Klumpp. Possessive marking in Kamas

16.00-16.30: Discussion